All in One Admin Dashboard

Dashonic - 10 in 1 Admin & Dashboard Template

Dashonic is an admin dashboard template built with Bootstrap v5. You can build any type of web application like CRM, CMS, Project management apps, Admin Panels, etc using Dashonic.

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bootstrap-admin-templates Bootstrap 5
react-admin-templates React
angular-admin-templates Angular 13
vuejs-admin-templates Vuejs
laravel-admin-templates Laravel 8
django-admin-templates Django
codeigniter-admin-templates CodeIgniter 4
php-admin-templates PHP
ajax-admin-templates Ajax
Nodejs-admin-templates NodeJs

Choose Demos

Dashonic 10 in 1 Admin - is beautifully crafted. clean, professional and modern designed admin dashboard template with 8 different demos in light and dark versions.

Available Layouts

Dashonic 10 in 1 Admin - Responsive Bootstrap v5. Admin Dashboard has 10 different layouts. You can launch your new website in any layouts quickly. You can change any layout in less then a minute without changing any CSS and JS files!


Dark Sidebar

Compact Sidebar

Icon Sidebar

Boxed Layout

Brand Sidebar

Vertical Scrollable

Topbar Dark

Boxed width

Horizontal Scrollable

Apps Pages

They are a good way to get you started if you want to build something similar or use from existing apps which will reduce the cost, efforts and time of the developers.



Kanban Board

File Manager






Key Features

Dashonic - Admin Dashboard Template is easily customizable and developer-friendly codes to quick start with any project.

Built with Bootstrap

Fully Responsive

Cross Browser

Rich Components

5k+ Font Icons

SASS Support

1 Day Support

Well Documentation

5 Apps

Dark & Light Layouts

Easy Customization

Lifetime Free Updates

Build your web app with Dashonic dashboard

Dashonic to get a fresh start with your new project.

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