Setup Codeigniter 4


Please follow below steps to install and setup all prerequisites:


Please follow below steps to install and setup all prerequisites:

  • Wamp OR Xampp

    Make sure to have the Wamp OR Xampp server with PHP v8.2 or higher version installed & running in your computer. If you already have installed Wamp or Xampp server on your computer, you can skip this step.

  • Composer

    Make sure to have the Composer with latest version installed & running in your computer. If you already have installed Composer on your computer, you can skip this step.


To setup the admin theme, follow below-mentioned steps:

  • Install Prerequisites

    Make sure to have all above prerequisites installed & running on your computer

After you finished with above steps, you can run the following commands into the terminal/command prompt from the root directory ( Samply / Admin ) of the project to run the project locally or build for production use:

Command Description
composer install This would install all the required packages in the vendor folder.
php spark serve Runs the project locally, The development server is accessible at http://localhost:8080.
php spark serve --port 8081 If you wish to run the project locally on different port. The development server is accessible at http://localhost:8081.
How to use pre-built layouts?

Each of the layout options is provided below with steps you would need to perform in: app/Views/partials/body.php file.

Light Sidebar
Remove data attribute data-sidebar="dark" body element to have light sidebar.
Compact Sidebar
Keep your body element with data attribute data-sidebar-size="md" E.g. <body data-sidebar-size="md"> to have compact sidebar.
Icon View Sidebar
Keep your body element with data attribute data-sidebar-size="sm" E.g. <body data-sidebar-size="sm"> to have small sidebar.
Boxed Layout
Keep your body element with data attribute data-layout-size="boxed" E.g. <body data-layout-size="boxed"> to have boxed layout.
Brand Sidebar
Keep your body element with data attribute data-sidebar="brand" E.g. <body data-sidebar="brand"> to have colored sidebar.
Scrollable Layout
Keep your body element with data attribute data-layout-scrollable="true" E.g. <body data-layout-scrollable="true"> to have scrollable layout.
Multi Language Settings

Lets add french language.

  • Create new file fr.json in the fr folder in the public/assets/lang folder and copy the en.json file code in this file.
  • Now you need to add the language in the public/assets/js/app.js file. In the function setLanguage add the "else if" condition as below and make sure to add french.jpg file.
        else if(lang=='fr') {
            document.getElementById("header-lang-img").src = "assets/images/flags/french.jpg";
  • You can simply use in the HTML file to convert the language text just add the attribute "key" to the parent div or any HTML tag. Example: <div key="t-title">This is title.</div>
  • Add the below dropdown in the app/Views/partials/topbar.php file in the language dropdown.
       <!-- item-->
        <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="dropdown-item notify-item language" data-lang="fr">
            <img src="/assets/images/flags/french.jpg" alt="user-image" class="me-1" height="12"> <span class="align-middle">French</span>

CSS: We suggest you to do not change any css files from the public/assets/css folders because to get new updates will might be break your CSS changes if any you have made. We strongly suggest you to create new custom.css file and use that instead of overwrite any theme's css files.

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